

Thursday 23 November 2017

Chicken Pox has taken over our house!

Firstly I would like to apologise for this blog seemingly being so quite over the last few weeks. I have tons of blog posts to share with you including lots of Christmas themed posts however our house has been taken over by Chicken Pox!

Evelyn got Chicken pox almost 3 weeks ago now. She wasn't poorly or even itchy with it but had spots on her tummy, back, tops of her legs and her head (about 25 spots in total). She went back to nursery after a week and a day later her brother had come out in spots. He was then off school for a week returning on Wednesday (much to his delight as he had been desperate to see his friends!). Then just 2 hours after I had dropped him back at school I get a call from pre-school who now think Evelyn has come out in more spots!

I dash down there thinking surely not, I had heard that once you contract Chicken Pox you were then immune, I have since learnt this is most definitely not the case! So yes it would appear Evelyn now has Chicken Pox again so that's twice within one month! Again she doesn't seem ill or itchy what so ever, her big brother was the same and aside from seeing the actual spots you wouldn't even know either of them were ill.

Whilst I feel so bad in saying it, I have to admit I have totally had enough! I'm sick of sitting in this house, staring at these 4 walls as we can't go out and risk passing it on to anyone else. Its like they are tag teaming me here and its been 3 straight weeks so far, the longest I have been out the house is to take on of them to school (which has been a super quick dash so as the one who has Chicken Pox isn't around the other kids!).

I can't seem to get anything done because I have the kids moaning they are bored, fed up or hungry and I just can't clear my mind from this constant headache from being stuck indoors for so long. So really what I am trying to say is I'm so sorry for being so absent and I really appreciate all of you who are still checking in, reading my blog and sticking around.

I will be back soon (hopefully!) with lots of fun, festive content for you all to enjoy and will even do a little giveaway to say thank you for all being so understanding and patient with me.

I can officially say Chicken pox can SOD OFF! I actually think I would rather being doing the school run in the rain than sitting in the house any longer and that says something! Hopefully we will be that to these cheeky happy faces soon!

I hope you are all well, are you all getting ready for Christmas?


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