

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Latest releases from Num Noms


Num Noms have been around for a few years now and as Evelyn has grown up she has become really fond of these super cute and scented collectibles!

If you aren't familiar with Num Noms they are a cute collection of food based characters which are often scented. Lots of the Num Nom characters also contain a hidden surprise such as a lip gloss, nail varnish or even a glittery shimmer, which of course Evelyn loves.

We were recently sent some of the latest releases from Num Noms to share with you and Evelyn couldn't wait to see which characters and surprises she would find.

The latest products in the Num Noms collections include the following -

- Num Noms Party Hair
- Num Noms Sparkle Smoothies
- Num Noms Mystery Makeup Packs

Evelyn was instantly drawn to the fluorescent pink, glittery wrapping of the party hair pack which looks just like a giant sweetie.

Once you unwrap the outer packaging you will find a pink tub which can then be pulled in half to reveal the contents and to of course discover which Num Noms character you have inside! Evelyn was even more excited to open this one because these Num Noms come with hair, which is something we haven't seen before. 

Inside we found - 

1 x Num Noms character 
1 x Hair piece
1 x Collectors guide (so you can see which new Num Noms character you have!). 

Evelyn was over the moon to find Cora Cotton who is a cotton candies Nums (although Evelyn is insistent she looks like an alpaca, which I kind of agree with!). Either way she is one of Evelyn's favourites with her cute pink bow and wild yellow fluffy hair, its easy to see why. 

Next up we opened up the Sparkle Smoothies Num Noms pack. Which not only contains a surprise Num Noms character but also a sparkle smoothies lip gloss too in one of 10 colours. 

Inside we found - 

1 x Num Noms characters 
1 x Sparkle Smoothies lip gloss tub
1 x Collectors guide

Evelyn was so excited to find she had found the Sprinkle Scoop character along with the glitter grape lip gloss. Of course Evelyn wasted no time in testing out the lip gloss which she loves! As a parent I was a little worried but it actually goes on really nicely with must a subtle hint of colour and glitter, plus it washed off really easily with just warm water. The little tubs the lip gloss comes in are also very cute with the Num Noms style face even on the lip gloss pot. 

Last but definitely not least we opened up the Num Noms Makeup surprise pack. These are the newest Num Noms to join to collection and are slightly different to previous Num Noms characters. Each pack actually contains two characters, both of which contain a makeup surprise inside. It could be a nail varnish, body lotion, shimmer or spray. 

Inside our pack we found -

1 x Num Noms character with hidden makeup surprise
1 x scented lip gloss Nom
1 x Reusable Bottle container
1 x Collectors Guide

As I mentioned these Num Noms are totally difference to others in Evelyn's collection and that's because they have full bodies with arms and legs too!

The reusable bottle is a lovely touch in this set and Evelyn has been using it to store all of her small Num Noms and her lip gloss Noms too. The larger characters are fantastic for imaginative play and of course once again, the white shimmer Evelyn found inside the head section was a big hit. Each character even comes with its own little stand which easily slides into a whole on the base of the feet, meaning they can easily be stood up and displayed or stored without spillage etc.

Evelyn is definitely a fan of all of the new products in the Num Noms range and has already added more to her birthday list. The cute characters are always a hit but Evelyn really loves the hidden makeup surprises within the characters and loves giving us all make overs.

With prices starting at just £3.99 these make perfect pocket money toys and are a great little collectible for slightly younger kids to begin collecting with. They are available from most stores including The Entertainer, Smyths and Argos as well as online via Amazon.

Do you kids love the Num Noms collectibles or do they have another toy they collect?


**We received these Num Noms for the purpose of this review. However all words. opinions and images are my own.**

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