
Tuesday 13 February 2018

Pancake Day Fun With Num Noms!

Who doesn't love pancake day!?! My kids love pancake day and always ask to have a go at making their very own pancakes every year, with varying degree's of success but always lots of fun! This year our pancakes are getting a fun twist thanks to Num Noms and the kids couldn't wait to get started.

In case you were wondering what Num Noms are they are adorable squishy and scented collectibles with endless scented combinations when you take them and stack them together to create your own unique scents and flavours. All Num Noms have their very own name which ties in with their scent and this is what we used to help us create our pancakes!

This year we used Num Noms to inspire our pancakes and create lots of delicious flavours inspired by the Num Noms we found in our mystery pots. We also had a bit of a competition going for the best " pancake flipper" and the most "inventive flavour" which the kids definitely took very seriously! So we donned our chef hats and grabbed our pans, let the pancake flipping commence...

James pancakes were inspired by the "Rainbow Crumb" Num Nom and the "S'mores polish-it" Num Nom and he loaded his pancakes with Smarties, marshmallows, Nutella, sprinkles and strawberries for the "Rainbow Crumb" inspired pancake. Then he topped his "S'mores it" inspired pancakes with Nutella, cream, candyfloss and marshmallows!

Evelyn's pancakes was inspired by the "Sprinkle Berry" Num Nom and the "Nilla Whip" Num Nom character. She topped her "Sprinkle Berry" inspired pancake with Nutella, Cream, Strawberries and Sprinkles. She loaded her "Nilla Whip" inspired pancake with Cream, Marshmallows and Candy floss!

Both James and Evelyn have had so much fun creating lots of fun and delicious pancakes, trying to match them up with all the Num Nom scents and then of course eating them. It was much to hard to choose a Num Nom pancake champion as both made delicious pancakes and totally mastered the pancake flipping so we had joint pancake champions this year!

We have had so much fun getting inspired by Num Noms this pancake day and making, flipping and of course eating all our delicious pancakes.
Do your kids love pancake day? What is yours and your little ones favourite pancakes toppings and who is the pancake flipping champion in your house?


**We received some Num Nom goodies to help us create this post. However all words, opinions and images are my own and I retain full editorial control of this post.**


  1. What a clever creative idea! These are wonderful!

  2. Oh we did this challenge too, it was so much fun wasn't it?

  3. Aw it is great that you crowned both Evelyn and James joint pancake champions, their pancakes looked fabulous! And how cute are your kids as well?

  4. What a sweet little set. Aww, they look like they both had lots of fun making pancakes. Yummy, we love making pancakes here.

  5. The pancakes look very yummy. I bet the kids had fun.

  6. Sounds like you all had fun this pancake day. We ended up having pancakes for breakfast AND lunch!

  7. Your kids are so cute! I love the way they presented their pancakes. I can not believe that I forgot about the pancake day this year! x

  8. This looks like such a great little kit for kids - love the heart frying pan! Looks like you had a great time!

  9. Num Noms always look so much fun, I wish I had a little girl to buy them for!

  10. That looks fun for all ages, or maybe I'm just a big kid at heart. Love it.

  11. Ahhh how cute, my twins love mom noms too! Pancake Day is so exciting in our house too
