
Monday 6 January 2020

Top Tips for Helping Your Child with their Homework

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Christmas is over, the kids are all back at school and a new term starts, whilst we all find our way back to the school morning routines. But with a new term comes new topics, new trips and of course new homework tasks! 

Homework is important for children and teaches them many skills. It encourages them to take initiative and learn how to be responsible for something. It also gives parents an opportunity to connect with their kids and evaluate their academic progress. If you’d like to become more involved with your kids’ education, helping them with their homework is a fantastic place to start. Here are some top tips, as explored below by a prep school in Kent. 

Ensure You Are Available 

Firstly, your children need to know that you are available to help them. Even being in the same room as them whilst they do their homework will be beneficial because they’ll know that you’re not far should they wish to ask you a question. If you’re always busy or out and about when your kids are doing their homework, they will feel like they can’t rely on you for support. Give them the chance to have a go themselves first but ensure they know that once they have had a try you can go through it again together for extra support. 

Make it Fun 

Lots of children find homework boring and try to procrastinate (like many of us adults at work too right!?). However if we can try to make homework tasks fun, kids become more inclined to get on with it and give it a try. You could try and find a way to make the homework more of a game and introduce some rewards for when questions are answered successfully. Sometimes all it takes is a change in attitude and a little motivation. 

Encourage Organisation 

Homework should never be a last minute job, rushing your child to complete homework tasks can result in unnecessary stress and lots of mistakes. Try to make sure both you and your children are aware of the deadline for each homework piece and ensure it is completed within good time. As a result, your child will produce better quality work.

Create a Timetable 

Help your youngsters create a timetable that they can stick to the fridge (or another visible spot). This will help them with their organisation and will ensure they get all of their homework and other chores done. It will also remind them of any extracurricular clubs they might have during the week, such as music lessons or football practise. Plus we all like being able to tick or wipe off tasks as we complete them and this is the same for homework too, kids can tick off tasks as and when they complete them. 

Most importantly of all, stay calm. Homework is about helping teachers and children to find out what they know and what they might be struggling with. If your child really can't do a piece of homework that's fine, don't put to much pressure or stress on your child to complete it as it will make the teacher believe your child understood something they are actually struggling with. Just send the homework back explaining that your child tried their best. 

Do you have any top tips or ways you help your child with their homework and school tasks? 


**This is a collaborative post in which I received a fee.**

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