
Tuesday 15 September 2020

5 Top Tips For Decluttering Your Home This Autumn

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Whilst it feels like we are currently having a bit of an unexpected heatwave this week, it is only a matter of time before Autumn is officially here. The darker nights are already creeping in and the kids have been picking up conkers on the way home from school already!

Whilst many of us think of "Spring cleaning" when it comes to having a big clean, however I always try to do one in spring and one in Autumn. This helps us have a big clear out of all the toys the kids have accumulated over the summer holidays! Swap over clothes that are very summery for winter jumpers and usually the kids have all but destroyed the house over the 6 weeks holiday. So having a big Autumn clean once they are back actually feels pretty cleansing.

So if you are feeling a little overwhelmed with everything now the kids are back at school, or want to get the house looking and feeling great in time for the colder weather, snuggly evenings in and *whispers* Christmas decorations! Here are 5 tips for decluttering your home -

Think about the seasons 

The first thing to think about when decluttering is the season's. If you are decluttering for summer it's a pretty safe bet you won't be needing the thick winter duvets or Christmas decorations. It is the same when it comes to decluttering in Autumn. I usually wait until all hints of summer have disappeared and then I know it is safe to pack away all the summer stuff. Things like fans, barbeques and paddling pools, summer clothes and sandals go too.

But don't just chuck it all up in the loft or shed as you will only lave yourself with more work to do when summer does roll around the following year. As you declutter throw away anything broken, put bits that are good condition but you no longer want but could donate, then all the things you decide to keep store away neatly and labelled so they are easy to store and find next year.

Consider storing items away from the home

If you have lots of bulky items and not much space (or you don't want to clog up the space you do have), it is worth considering using a local storage unit. You can find these at really reasonable prices and they can provide a safe, clean and dry space for you to store items. This could be things like bulky outdoor toys, outdoor furniture that you don't want damaged during winter weather, or perhaps you are undecided on whether to keep things or give them away. If so a storage facility is a good place to hold things until you decide.

Break big jobs down into smaller tasks 

It can often feel daunting tackling a bit job when it seems large and overwhelming, but breaking a job down into much smaller tasks can help it feel much more manageable. It is also important to remember that not everything has to be done in a day, in fact decluttering a whole house in one day would be a pretty impressive accomplishment, one I am yet to accomplish myself yet.

Instead try to break the jobs down by room or set small tasks each day. This means your home won't feel messy or "unfinished" as the decluttering will be confined to one room or space at a time. I also find lists really help, not only do they help to remind you of all the jobs you need to do, but it is also pretty satisfying ticking jobs off as you complete them.

Vacuum bags and labels

Space is often an issue and can sometimes even be the main reason people want to declutter (is it just me or once you have kids do their toys take up 90% of the space in your home!?). Of course as I mentioned above if you have bulky items and no space, storage units are always an option. But for smaller items vacuum bags are amazing and such a great space saving tool!

I use them for all our winter clothes/coats, duvets, teddies that the kids have outgrown etc. Not only does it shrink the amount of space these items take up but it also means they are sealed neatly away from any damp or moisture that might be present when you store then in spaces like a loft. Don't forget to label everything inside too so you don't have to unseal the bags when you are looking for things later on.

Get the whole family involved

Decluttering the whole house is never a good idea to tackle on your own. Not only is it a huge job for one person, but it can be difficult to know what everyone in your home want's to keep, throw away or donate too. Plus splitting tasks across the whole family makes it so much easier to manage, even the kids can get involved!

When we decluttering we give the kids 3 boxes, one for keep, one for throw and one for donate. I of course go through them all before we actually do anything but it works wonders for helping the kids feel like they are involved, plus it gets them out from under your feet so you can do your tasks too. My husband is always on loft duty because I literally hate going up there!

Also another thing that I like to do, which isn't really a decluttering tip but I had to mention it. Is change up any air fresheners, plug ins and candles you might have with some beautiful winter scents. You will be surprised at how much of a difference it makes and I don't know why or how but coming home to a home that smells of wintery scents like pumpkin spice, Christmas cookies, cinnamon, winter berries etc makes you feel all cosy and warm inside.

Do you declutter your home in Autumn or Winter? If so I would love to hear some of your top tips in the comments below.


**This is a collaborative post.**


  1. We recently put all our summer stuff into vac packs and I am amazed with the room I now have! Genuinely annoyed with myself for never doing before. It's all stowed away in the loft for next year. We've also vac packed some hiking stuff which we only use a few times a year. Great space saving! Your tips are fab too, although must admit I was sad to have to change the duvets the other day!

  2. This is something we are looking at doing, I am now in that area where I am putting our summer clothes away and getting out the warmer clothing

  3. These are some great tips - I have to admit we could definitely do with doing some decluttering around the place. I need to definitely look at our lounge.

  4. This is something I really need to do again. I tried to declutter every few months. It's amazing what sort of things you end up collecting.

  5. Some brilliant tips here. I definitely agree with thinking about the seasons when it comes to decluttering - its a great idea.

  6. Days are getting shorter here as well. I love fall but I do miss the longer days of sunlight that you get during summer. I just rearranged my son's clothes dresser, getting rid of some things and moving others.

  7. I seriously need to take this advice and no some de-cluttering. I think my biggest problem is I struggle to do stuff in small portions and go at like a woman possessed haha.

  8. We have started to think about decluttering our home ready for Christmas. We have also started to pack away all our Summer clothes ready for our Autumn and Winter wardrobe.

  9. I so need to do this. I have the vacuum bags for this exact reason but they just seem to accumulate dust instead me putting them to use. De clutter makes your mind so clean too

  10. Great tips on how to declutter the home. Good advice on making sure to get rid of broken and unwanted things instead of putting away in the loft or garage.

  11. I have a suitcase under my bed that I use for storing winter/summer stuff and just swap them around when the time comes
