
Tuesday 31 May 2022

4 Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Cope with Angina

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Angina is a type of chest pain that can feel like a squeezing sensation in your chest, shoulders, jaw, neck, arms, or back. Some people describe the pain as similar to indigestion. While this pain is the most common symptom, it may also be accompanied by other symptoms including shortness of breath, fatigue, vomiting, dizziness, and heart palpitations. Typically, angina is a symptom of an underlying heart disease or condition.

The good news is that there are several lifestyle and diet changes that you can make to help you manage your angina pain and prevent any underlying conditions from worsening.  

Stay Hydrated 

Experts like Dr Georgios Karagiannis, who is a private cardiologist, recommend staying as hydrated as possible to better manage angina pain. If you are concerned about your heart health, Dr Karagiannis can help, with video and telephone consultations available. Drinking lots of water will help to flush out excess sodium from your body, reducing the risk of hypertension and high blood pressure, which are risk factors for angina and heart disease. Aim to drink around two litres of water per day, or more if you drink caffeinated beverages.  

Get Enough Sleep 

Not getting enough sleep at night has been linked to an increased risk of chronic stress, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, all of which can cause angina pain and increase the risk of heart disease. Studies show that being deprived of sleep can cause your immune system to be weaker, increase stress hormone production in the body, and increase your risk of chronic diseases. Speak to your doctor about treatments if you suffer from a sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnoea.  

Avoid Stress 

While small amounts of stress are unlikely to do you much damage, chronic and prolonged stress can lead to a wide range of issues including irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, anxiety, and even changes to your immune function, which can trigger angina pain and even cause a heart attack in severe cases. As people get older, it can be harder to relax after a stressful event. It’s a good idea to find healthy ways to manage stress that work for you, such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, or therapy.  

Avoid Sitting for Long Periods 

Sitting down for long periods will increase your risk of angina pain and heart problems. If you have angina, try not to stay sat down for any longer than two hours at a time. Consider different ways that you might be able to stand up more, such as using a sit-stand desk at work, taking regular breaks if you work at a desk all day, and walking short journeys rather than driving. When you are standing or actively moving, this triggers important processes that relate to the breakdown of sugars and fats within the body.  

Angina pain is often a symptom of a more serious underlying issue with your heart. If you have been diagnosed with angina, it’s important to consider how your lifestyle could change to reduce symptoms and improve your heart health.  


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