
Wednesday 16 October 2024

Why Active Holidays are Great for Child Development

**Collaborative Post**

Whilst the idea of sitting on the beach, sun beating down, a good book in hand and the only sound to be heard is the crashing waves might sound nice, when you have children in tow its rarely a reality! Instead holidays packed with fun-filled, physical activities have grown in popularity among families, offering a vibrant alternative to more traditional getaways. These family active holidays are packed with outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and water sports, providing an engaging way for children to stay fit while enjoying new experiences.

Here are some key reasons why these trips are fantastic for your child’s development.

Physical health and coordination

Active holidays provide an excellent platform for young ones to engage in physical tasks that improve their health and motor skills. Whether it’s learning to cycle, paddleboard, or climb, these can help build coordination and strength.

The latest reports from Sport England highlight that regular physical activity combats obesity while encouraging better overall fitness and cardiovascular health in children​.

As fitness improves, so does coordination, balance, and agility - skills that benefit children in both sports and everyday life. Plus, engaging in such activities as a family can set a positive example and encourage lifelong habits.

Boosting cognitive development

Beyond the physical benefits, active getaways can significantly enhance cognitive development. Orienteering or problem-solving challenges stimulate the brain and enhance critical thinking.

This is especially important in a world where screen time dominates children’s leisure, sometimes to the detriment of cognitive and social skills.

Engaging in new and challenging environments, such as nature trails or navigating new cities by bike, promotes curiosity and problem-solving, giving your child’s brain a workout as well as their body.

Building confidence and independence

These holidays often involve learning new skills, whether it’s mastering a rock wall or finally standing up on a surfboard. These achievements can boost a child's confidence and sense of independence.

Children gain a sense of accomplishment from trying - and succeeding at - new activities. This bolstered self-esteem can carry over into other areas of life, such as school and social settings.

When children realise they can overcome challenges, it builds resilience, which is a critical skill for tackling difficulties later in life.

Social interaction and teamwork

One of the most valuable aspects of active holidays is the opportunity for children to engage with peers in a dynamic, social environment. Whether it's working together on a family kayaking expedition or joining in group sports with other kids on holiday, these experiences promote teamwork and communication.

Group activities teach children to take turns, listen to others, and solve problems collaboratively, skills that are vital in both academic and personal spheres.


You can expect a multitude of benefits for child development by booking an active holiday, from boosting physical health and cognitive skills to fostering confidence, independence, and social abilities.

For families looking to create memorable experiences while also supporting their children’s growth, these holidays are an ideal choice. Plus, the benefits extend beyond the holiday itself, helping children to develop lifelong habits of health, independence, and collaboration.

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